
Some days I feel like Rip Van Winkle, awakening to find the modelling world completely transformed and unfamiliar.
Getting back into my long lost passion for modelling a couple of years ago, I discovered the extensive use of photo-etch for detailing.
The T-34 has always been a favourite of mine, so, one of the first new kit acquisitions was the DRAGON T-34/76 Model 1940, complete with what seemed to be a million photo-etch parts.
At the time, the newly encountered complexity and small parts were overwhelming.
Fast-forwarding to today, if the kit doesn’t have a million photo-etch pieces, I feel gypped and hard done by. Now I go out of my way to get aftermarket upgrade photo-etch sets.
To tame the photo-etch spectre, I found proper tools make a world of difference.
One of my favourite tool brands is DSPIAE. As it happens, MENG also re-brands some of the DSPIAE products. The MENG Photo-Etch Bender differs from DSPIAE in the form of a metal bending blade rather than acrylic.
Working with larger pieces of photo-etch, especially fenders, a straight fold is important.
I already have an excellent chromed bender from another company but couldn’t resist the red anodized aluminum.
What I especially like is the heft, the outstanding quality along with the inclusion of an additional small blade for fine photo-etch work.
If you are into high-quality tools and want one of the best, this is what you want.
The excellent MENG MTS-038 DSPIAE Photo-etch Bender is available from Hobby Sense.
InSCALE Tried-Tested-True