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Art In Scale

Scale Mod­el­ling for pro­to­typ­ing pro­duc­tion vehi­cles has been in use for cen­turies. Trains, ships, tanks, armoured vehi­cles, cars, trucks, trac­tors, bull­doz­ers, con­struc­tion equip­ment and air­craft etc are cre­at­ed in scale for stake­hold­ers to see the pro­posed vehi­cle in the phys­i­cal world before being green-light­ed for ser­i­al production. 

Deci­sion-mak­ers visu­al­ly embrace a 3D mod­el rather than extrap­o­lat­ing what it will look like from abstract blue­prints or artist ren­di­tions. Ships, rock­ets, and air­craft mock­ups etc in larg­er-scale for­mats are con­struct­ed for analy­sis and test­ing in demand­ing sim­u­lat­ed envi­ron­ments. Scale mod­els are con­struct­ed for proof of concept.

Mil­i­tary, Engi­neer­ing and Movie Spe­cial Effect work­shops cre­ate cityscapes, vignettes, or dio­ra­mas to depict real-life sce­nar­ios in minia­ture. Topog­ra­phy, ter­rain types, urban set­tings and struc­tur­al designs are cre­at­ed in scale to rep­re­sent real­i­ty in any set­ting. Build­ing and set­tings are indis­tin­guish­able from CGI effects.

BLADE RUNNER 2049 LAPD BUILDING Scale Mod­el cityscape dio­ra­ma by Weta Work­shop
F.R.O.G was an acronym for “Flies Right Off Ground” — 1932

Poly­styrene (plas­tic) mod­el­ling intro­duced in the 1930s by FROG (UK) became a hit with teens and adults alike. Fast-for­ward to mod­ern scale mod­el­ling, the evo­lu­tion of kit engi­neer­ing and the mod­ern pro­duc­tion of slide injec­tion mould­ed parts, 3D print­ed and pho­to-etch brass com­po­nents cre­ate worlds of tech­no­log­i­cal amaze­ment nev­er before available.

Builds can be sim­ple, straight­for­ward, easy-to-assem­ble mod­els to high­ly com­plex advanced lev­els, some with com­plete, high­ly detailed intri­cate inte­ri­ors, to ships and sci-fi with LED light­ing. Builders of marine ves­sels can enjoy wood­en deck­ing, syn­thet­ic rig­ging and sol­id brass parts. Armour enthu­si­asts enjoy high­ly detailed met­al bar­rels with rifling to life-like met­al tracks capa­ble of cre­at­ing a tank’s icon­ic sag­ging track.

Paints, pig­ments, and weath­er­ing prod­ucts con­tin­ue to evolve, giv­ing mod­ellers end­less fin­ish­ing options.

Kawartha Scale Mod­el­ling is your num­ber-one choice for receiv­ing accu­rate infor­ma­tion about this amaz­ing and reward­ing hob­by. Enthu­si­asts from all inter­ests gath­er month­ly to share their project expe­ri­ences and gain insight from oth­ers’ experiences.

Tooltips and tuto­ri­als are reg­u­lar­ly pre­sent­ed to mem­bers. We have month­ly draws of mod­el­ling good­ies donat­ed by Mod­el­ling Shops.

Become a Member and Enjoy The Art of Scale Modelling!

Mem­ber­ship is $25.00 annually.

Welcome to our all-new site! We’re fleshing it out for the best scale modelling experience.
KSM Club monthly meeting every 3rd Thursday. Time 18:00 - 21:00.  📧
Inclement Weather Cancellation
Club Meeting scheduled for today, Dec 15, 2022 is cancelled due to adverse weather and travelling conditions.