Timber Railway Sleeper Use: 1914 – 1945

Wooden Crosstie Use During WWI & WWII

Timber railway sleepers have long served as a fundamental component in railroad engineering, providing critical support and stability to rail networks. These robust wooden beams, strategically embedded beneath the rails, ensure proper gauge maintenance and efficient load distribution, thereby mitigating dynamic stresses imposed by heavy locomotives and freight loads. Their inherent mechanical properties—such as resilience, damping capacity, and ease of fabrication—render them an optimal choice during the developmental phases of rail transport.

Even as advancements in materials science have introduced alternatives like concrete and composite sleepers, the legacy of timber sleepers persists. Their role in absorbing vibrations and reducing track wear is well-documented in engineering literature, underscoring their continued relevance in both historical analysis and modern rehabilitative projects. In essence, timber railway sleepers not only reflect a storied past in rail infrastructure but also exemplify enduring principles of sustainable and effective engineering design.

It is estimated that there are at present throughout the world about 1,250,000 kilometres of railway track for which approximately 3,000 million railway sleepers (cross-ties) are used, 95 percent of them made of wood. Since railway sleepers are heavy, bulky, and relatively cheap, they do not ordinarily comprise a large portion of the international trade in wood.

Types of railway sleepers – The term railway sleepers refers to the rectangular or approximately rectangular cross-section supports laid transversely on the railway roadbed to support the rails. Railway sleepers used in Europe are almost exclusively of wood and are manufactured either in sawmills or in the forest. Production at the felling site in the forest is gradually declining in importance as a result of the disappearance of skilled labour. Axe-hewn, squared railway sleepers, which are frequently used in the Americas and other parts of the world, are not produced in Europe. 

Railway sleepers may be made of hardwoods or softwoods, these being used for different purposes and under different conditions. Hardwood railway sleepers are made chiefly from Oak, Beech, and Hornbeam; softwood railway sleepers are from Scots Pine, Maritime Pine (Pinus pinaster), and Larch. In Spain, Eucalyptus is also used to make railway sleepers. Railway sleepers are usually cut from trees of 80 to 120 centimetres in circumference at a height of 1.30 meters from the ground, or from the tops and branches of large trees found in high forest or coppice with standards. 

Standard gauge railway sleepers (1.46 meters) used in Europe may be classified into three different categories:

  • German railway sleepers measure 16 cm. x 26 cm. x 2.6 m. or 2.7 m.
  • French, 14 cm. x 26 cm., x 2.6 m. or 2.7 m.
  • English, 12.5 cm. x 25 cm.

These figures apply to railway sleepers sawn on all four sides. However, a certain amount of latitude is allowed for wane and curvature, there being three or four specifications. There are also the so-called “Swedish” or “Saxon” sleepers, where the upper and lower surfaces are sawn but the sides follow the natural contour of the rough log. 

Switch or crossing railway sleepers vary in length from 2.60 m. to 5 m. or more; industrial railway sleepers are 1.80 m. to 2 m., and crossings generally 1.30 m. to 2 m. 

The useful life of a railway sleeper depends upon its resistance to fungi, insects, and mechanical pressure. Protection against decay is obtained by impregnating with chemicals. The most widely used impregnating material is creosote, but solutions of copper or zinc salts are also used. By impregnation, the useful life of a railway sleeper can be increased from 5-8 years to 25-30 years. Sleepers must have certain required mechanical properties. Damage to railway sleepers due to mechanical defects has become more frequent because both the weight of the loads carried and the speed of trains has increased. Such mechanical damage consists mainly of crushing, splitting, becoming embedded, etc.

The railway sleeper market from 1918 to 1939

Data on international trade in railway sleepers between World Wars I and II can be found in the yearbooks of the Comité International du Bois, published first at Vienna and later at Brussels; in the publications of the International Institute of Agriculture, and in Silvae Orbis, referred to in Tables below.

Interwar Period 1918 – 1939: Imports by Country of Timber Railway Sleepers

Country 1926-28
1000 m³ (s) 
Belgium-Luxembourg 67 38 84 
Czechoslovakia 35 12 
Denmark 24 15 
France 16 76 
Germany 411 17 69 
Hungary 57 34 
Netherlands 72 77 76 
Spain 160 30 … 
United Kingdom 346 337 540 
China 41 135 105 
Canada 51 24 20 
United States 94 37 32 
TOTAL 1,386 803 993 

SOURCE: Walter Grottian, “Die Umsatzmengen im Weltholzhandel 1925-1938” Silvae Orbit, Berlin: C.I.S., 1942, pp. 140-141. Computed from yearly figures. 

Railway Sleeper Exports During the Interwar Period 

Country 1926-28
1000 m³ (s) 
Austria 87 13 
Czechoslovakia 30 … 
Finland 16 
France 119 28 93 
Germany 49 34 
Poland 364 157 255 
Rumania 27 
Sweden 47 19 11 
Yugoslavia 281 80 90 
Baltic States1 15 47 144 
U.S.S.R. 96 282 186 
Canada 115 67 92 
United States 336 153 173 
Turkey … 
TOTAL 1,567 874 1,096 

SOURCE: Walter Grottian, “Die Umsatzmengen im Weltholzhandel 1925-1938,” Silvae Orbis, Berlin: C.I.S. 1942, pp. 140-141. Computed from yearly figures.

The principal exporting countries were Poland, Yugoslavia, the Baltic countries, Rumania, and Soviet Russia. The U.S.S.R. exported as much as 579,000 m³ (s) of railway sleepers in 1930. The United States of America exported large quantities to the European market. France had some exports but was a net importing country. Its exports of hardwood railway sleepers went mainly to Belgium, with lesser quantities to the Netherlands and the French colonies; softwood railway sleepers were shipped principally to the United Kingdom and in small quantities to Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. 

European imports attained a maximum figure of 1,653,000 m³ (s) in 1930 and decreased thereafter. This drop in trade corresponds to a general worldwide trend. Railway sleepers constituted 2.5 percent of all timber exports in 1929 but only 1.9 percent in 1937.

International Crosstie Market after World War II

During the War, most European countries were unable to carry out much track maintenance or lay new railway sleepers. Consequently, the railway sleeper market was quiet and countries attempted to supply their own needs from domestic production. Owing to shortages of chemical products, few impregnated sleepers were used. 

After the end of World War 2, there was a great demand for railway sleepers, due not only to deferred maintenance requirements and the need for replacement of non-treated railway sleepers which had deteriorated rapidly but also to the vast amount of destruction caused in the last year of the war by military action. Such destruction particularly affected France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, and Soviet Russia, but there was also a considerable amount of damage in Africa, from Morocco to Egypt.  

Post-World War II Wooden Railway Sleeper Rerquirments

Country Requirements 
Length of railway lines Railway sleepers Round wood 
Requirements known km. in thousands1000 m³ 
 Germany: French zone 7,200 200 28 
 Austria 7,500 1,100 150 
 Belgium 8,000 1,500 1 215 
 Denmark 3,000 455 1 65 
 France 62,000 7,700 1,100 
 Italy 20,500 ² 3,500 500 
 Luxembourg 500 41 
 Norway 5,000 450 1 65 
 Netherlands 5,000 ³ 1,000 1 143 
 Poland 35,000 3,000 1 430 
 Czechoslovakia 14,900 1,700 240 
 Subtotal 168,600 20,646 2,942 
 Average per km.  122,5 16,3 
Requirements unknown    
 Bizone 36,000   
 Soviet zone 15,700   
 Bulgaria 3,400   
 Greece 1,500   
 Hungary 8,500   
 Rumania 10,500   
 Sweden 8,400   
 Switzerland 4,300   
 Yugoslavia 10,100   
 Subtotal 98,400  4 1,600 
 Total 267,000  4,542 
 United Kingdom 59,100 5 4,000 570 
GRAND TOTAL 326,100  5,112 

Railway Sleeper Exports in the Post-World War II Era

Exporting country 1946 1947 Jan.-June 1948 
1000 m³ (s) 
Austria – – – 
Czechoslovakia – 27 4,9 
Finland 13 1,0 
France 19 15,1 
 British zone – – – 
 French zone … … … 
 American zone … … … 
 Russian zone … … … 
Norway – 
Poland – – 1- 
Portugal … … – 
Sweden 52 ²36 12,7 
Switzerland … … 
Yugoslavia … … … 
Other European countries +10 … … 
U.S.S.R. … … … 
Canada 113 222 188,5 
U.S.A. +63 ³410 124,7 
TOTAL 249 … … 

SOURCE: FAO/ECE, Timber Statistics for the Years 1946-1947, Geneva, March 1948, and Timber Statistics, Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 2, Geneva, October 1948. 

Post-World War II Railway Sleeper Imports 

Importing country 1946 1947 Jan.-June 1948 
1000 m³ (s) 
Belgium 36 35 1,5 
Denmark 12 7,0 
France 21 82 22,3 
Greece 0,7 
Hungary 23,0 
Italy – – 28,9 
Netherlands 48 80 120,9 
Poland – … 
Switzerland 7,7 
United Kingdom 84 297 120,1 
Other European countries 14 16,0 
Egypt +14 … 13,0 
Other Middle East countries … 
French North Africa +6 … … 
TOTAL 226 – … 

SOURCE: FAO/ECE, Timber Statistics for the Years 1946-1947, Geneva, March 1948, and Timber Statistics, Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 2, Geneva, October 1948.

United States exports started expanding in April 1947, particularly when non-treated railway sleepers were eliminated from the list of controlled export commodities and were placed on the list of commodities requiring only a license.

Treated railway sleepers remained on the controlled list, and in 1947 only one million treated sleepers were exported. 

In the first quarter of 1948, United States exports of treated and non-treated railway sleepers amounted to 23.6 million board feet – a monthly average of approximately half of that for the year 1947.

United States Railway Sleeper Exports: Annual Averages (1935–1939) 

Country of destination Quantity Value 
Treated sleepers Non-treated sleepers Total Treated sleepers Non-treated sleepers Total 
1000 board feet dollars 
China 36,459 36,459 480,090 480,090 
Canada 5,581 1,573 7,151 225,370 41,006 266,376 
Guatemala 5,155 5,155 159,092 159,092 
Costa Rica 3,767 3,769 129,223 39 129,268 
Peru 107 3,535 3,642 1,942 104,146 106,088 
Honduras 3,515 3,520 105,404 107 105,511 
Cuba 2,216 15 2,231 83,377 374 83,761 
Mexico 973 1,181 2,154 40,270 30,589 70,859 
Panama 1,964 1,965 74,704 56 74,760 
Venezuela 214 37 251 6,754 776 7,529 
Netherlands 184 184 2,060 2,060 
United Kingdom 99 37  
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