1. This is the part we have selected for this short step-by-step article. It represents the surface of a rusted vehicle with faded green camouflage color.
2. We deposit small amounts of pigments onto the surface with a brush. It´s neither stippled nor moved around with the brush, just put in place.
3. Then, and using a brush moistened with enamel thinner, it´s time now to start moving the pigments around the surface, insisting more in nooks and crannies.
4. This is how the part looks like once the pigments have dried. The excess pigment is cleaned off with the help of a cotton bud. Here we have used a vertical motion, from bottom to top.
5. The finished part; you can see how the pigments mimic a fine sand dust layer for a highly realistic effect. You can also appreciate how it gathers more heavily inside nooks and crannies, and more important: the previous rust effects are still visible after we have applied the dust layer.
6. This method can be also used as a base to apply oil and fuel spills or other wet effects.

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KSM Club meets monthly, every 3rd Thursday: 18:00–21:00  📧
Inclement Weather Cancellation
Club Meeting scheduled for today, Dec 15, 2022 is cancelled due to adverse weather and travelling conditions.