Painted mostly with Mr. Paint brad paints, weathered with VMS pigments and oils This is the kit box… that makes a line of 1/35 construction equipment.
This is how it looks assembled straight out of the box.
But using the hair-spray technique, we add a rust undercoat then a chipped orange outer paint layer The model did require a couple of aftermarket additions to make it more realistic… … such as the empty bottles in the cabin As well as aftermarket tracks (the kit tracks are poorly detailed vinyl rubber-band style tracks) These look much better when painted and weathered Additionally, the kit decals for the black paint on the windows have thick clear surrounding carrier film… this won’t look good, so instead, I masked and painted all the black stripes and curves. Which looks freaking sweet, if I may say myself. I especially like the worn, dust-covered metal of the dozer blade and its actuator arms. And the dripping grease and hydraulic fluid of the arm At this angle, you can see the path of the worn windshield blade on the dusty window. SO ORANGE. most of the dust and dirt are pigments applied with alkyd binders, but some are oil paints. A better view of the dozer blade in progress. A better view of the dozer blade in progress. Less exuberant post-production here. Byeeeeee…
Source: JandersUF 1/35 scale model of a Hitachi Zaxis 135US Excavator